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➡️ I sent Litecoin from Coinbase (Kraken or Binance or an ATM) to Litewallet. Where is my Litecoin?



  • Erdenebileg Gantulga

    I sent Litecoin from Coinbase (Kraken or Binance or an ATM) to Litewallet. Where is my Litecoin?

  • Phat To

    This is the second time I send lite coin to my wallet but never received.

  • Marwan Jamal

    this is the first time i send lite coin to my wallet but never received

  • Patrick T Mcdermott

    Hello Marwan, please make sure your Litewallet is in sync with the LTC blockchain. Your wallet will update automatically upon opening but you can also run a manual sync. 

    You can perform a manual sync to the Litecoin blockchain by doing the following actions: Menu (hamburger symbol, upper right-hand corner) > Settings> Manage > Sync Blockchain > Start Sync. This may take a bit of time and please remember that you must keep the app open for the entirety of the sync. Litewallet will not run in the background and can’t be closed in order to sync.

  • Cryptostartupformeh

    Funds spendable available, total available show dashboard but balance to spend 0.000 ltc why?

  • Hubert Kpadoe

    J'ai envoyé mon Litecoin sur litewallet et c'est pas en encore reçu pourquoi ?

  • سامر ممدوح

    Your account code is: 4d9698e1ed9701a8ac00e728b804a371 Tap Control Panel - Enter Account Code, and copy paste the above code.

  • 비트리움2022

    The coin that was sent on May 14th, 23rd

  • 비트리움2022

    The coin that was sent on May 14th, 23rd

  • Séba CH Cantero

    Hello . help me. send litecoin over the etherium network to a cacino address. It never arrived because I put the address wrong. Can I get my 209 dollars in litecoi back somehow? Where did those cryptocurrencies go? thank you .


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